Contrapunctus 11

Woven Fiber
67 x 32

Contrapunctus 11

Contrapunctus 11

Interested in purchasing “Contrapunctus 11”? Contact the artist here.

“Contrapunctus- 11” is the fourth of the four completed multiple voiced fugues. The themes and their inversions swirl about in various combinations. Each fugue from C-8 to this one share basic thematic material from each other, inverting, re-scoring, re-combining. New themes intertwine, all spinning in a thematic galaxy.

When I wove these four, I knew staring out they would be intricate and involved and indeed they were and appear that way. They come in the middle of the cycle both musically and visually. From nearly the first hearing, these four fugues seemed to form a cycle within the cycle. That became the view I adopted in considering their production.  The visual ground, produced by the weave structure is the most contrasted of the series. Being so different, the viewer’s attention is drawn to them. Everything —- .

When the panels were assembled for one of Samuel Baron’s performances at Stonybrook. I was finally able to see what all the thinking, planning, and weaving produced. I remember thinking at the time, “How did all this get done?” It was stunning then, and remains so for me today. I’m so pleased that photographs could finally be taken and you are able to see them .