Waters of Babylon- Sands of the City

Vector - Digital
18 x 18

Waters of Babylon- Sands of the City

Waters of Babylon- Sands of the City

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“Waters of Babylon- Sands of the City” is one of an on-going series that blends the technique of interference patterns with explorations of ancient geometries that came about in both Babylon, Greece, and Egypt.

Babylon has held my interest since high school when I first asked, “how do you divide a circle into 60 equal arcs?”. That question generated other questions along the way with the eventual solution coming about 2013.

This image focuses on the interferences creating the moiré patterns you see. The color choices were made to elicit a sense of the expanse and arid heat of the desert where this civilization developed. The number 60 and its various divisions is still with us. I continue to explore that aspect as well.