Waters of Babylon- Night Oasis

Vector - Digital
18 x 18

Waters of Babylon- Night Oasis

Waters of Babylon- Night Oasis

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“Waters of Babylon- Night Oasis” explores that edge between material substance and the immaterial. I think of sand in that regard, as well as the terminator that separates day from night.

Waters of Babylon is a phrase that has stuck with me when I realized the large dessert that is Mesopotamia and a cosmopolitan civilization grew and thrived on rivers flowing in the desert. We still have remnants of that culture with us mainly in accounting and a number base of 60, but also in the arts as well.

I have imagined the king’s counselors who were seers and thinkers, measuring star patterns on the “bowl of heaven” or overseeing the building of waterwheels because they knew the secrets of the circle. So, I eventually solved the problem of dividing a circle into 60 equal arcs and Waters of Babylon is my celebration.